Theddlethorpe GDF Community Partnership

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£2 million awarded to local projects

March 5, 2025

£2 million of Community Investment Funding has been awarded to local projects and we are continuing to consider projects that will provide benefits for the local area and those people living here.

Twenty-four projects have benefited from the financial support in the two years since the Community Partnership was formed. Eight initiatives in the first year and a further 16 in the second year.

The Community Investment Panel (CIP) is now over halfway through its third year of providing the funding and the grants team is working hard and supporting interested groups and organisations on their applications.

Decisions on where the funding goes are made by the CIP and the panel is made up of local people who are volunteering their time and expertise. The panel members are:

• Councillor Dan McNally
• Tony Howard
• Reverend Canon Chris Lilley.
• They are joined by Community Partnership members:
• Gareth Rowland
• Tammy Smalley
• Sarah Fletcher (NWS representative)
• David Fannin.

Additional support comes from Mike Brophy (NWS representative).

This funding enables community facilities and services to be provided for people living in the Search Area.

Read about the projects here Projects awarded Community Investment Funding.

Some organisations are providing services across Lincolnshire, and these awards allow them to run projects and deliver these within the Search Area for the benefit of the community. The recipients have demonstrated that the project will benefit people living in the area and the schemes will be monitored to ensure they do so.

Capital projects outside the Search Area are not eligible for grant funding. However, the panel will consider revenue projects outside that can demonstrate a benefit to residents living within the Search Area.

Up to £1 million of Community Investment Funding is made available each year for local communities engaging in the GDF siting process.

For more information about the funding and how you can apply online, please use the link attached here: Community Investment Funding – Theddlethorpe GDF Community Partnership 

Or alternatively you can contact the grants team by email at: