Theddlethorpe GDF Community Partnership

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Local community projects benefit from further £1 million 

July 12, 2024

Theddlethorpe GDF Community Partnership is pleased to announce that since forming in 2022 they have awarded £2 million to a variety of local community projects.

Up to £1 million of Community Investment Funding is made available each year for local communities engaging in the Nuclear Waste Services’ Geological Disposal Facility (GDF) siting process, which requires explicit support from the potential host community to go ahead.

The grants can be used to fund projects and initiatives that support economic development opportunities, improve community well-being, or enhance the local environment.

Eight projects were awarded in the first year and in June 2024 a further 16 projects will benefit from the funding for community facilities and services. A food bank, an advice service for the visually impaired, a school playground extension, village hall improvements and local events are some examples of the projects benefiting from the GDF programme funding.

Interim Chair of the Community Partnership Jon Collins said:
“We are delighted to continue to be able to award this funding to projects that need help and support to provide the worthwhile services they do in the community. We would encourage others to apply, and the Community Partnership welcome the opportunity to help more projects in the year ahead.”

Funding Feedback

Representatives from the projects expressed their thoughts on being awarded the funding from the Community Partnership.

Christine Collins, chair of Furnichurch trustees’ management committee
“The funding we have previously relied on from other organisations in the past no longer exists. Support from Community Investment Funding means that Furnichurch can be there for people in our community that need our foodbank for the next 3 years”.

Jenny Barnett, CEO of Citizens Advice Lincoln & Lindsey
“We are extremely delighted with the funding from Community Investment Funding. We are grateful to our partners who have supported us more recently to deliver a service to residents in the area, but this funding will enable us to deliver a broader and more specialised service, meeting the needs of the local community over a sustained period of time.”

Mandy Johnson, Chief Executive Lincoln & Lindsey Blind Society
“We are delighted that the Theddlethorpe GDF Community Partnership has recognised our work in this way. Thanks to them, we will be able to provide the much-needed benefit advice and support service to visually impaired people in Mablethorpe, Theddlethorpe, Beesby, Saleby, Great Carlton, Little Carlton, Maltby Le Marsh, Reston, Strubby, Woodthorpe and Withern from September. The specialist advisers will now be able to get out to some of the most vulnerable people in this community, who often experience mental and physical stress as they experience life with sight loss.”

Projects Awarded CIF

The projects to benefit from funding are:

Bells and Whistles Exercise Group – Maintenance work required in the Ringers Room and to redecorate and improve facilities in the Church’s Community Annexe.

Strubby, Beesby and Maltby Village Hall – Enhancing the look of the village hall for the benefit of residents and visitors, by replacing old and broken rainwater guttering and downpipes, fitting a fire alarm and buying a fridge.

Withern Village Hall – Covering the cost of detailed architect’s drawings and associated planning permission, building regulations and ground survey, with the aim of rebuilding.

Flanders Friends – Contributing towards the event ‘Poppies on the Prom,’ a free two-day event this summer 3 and 4 August, centred around the area’s WW2 history, elderly population, and community of ex-service personnel.

Lincolnshire Gateway Academies Trust – Building an extended playground area at Theddlethorpe Academy to help the children create, play, and explore more in a secure and fun setting.

Lincoln and Lindsey Blind Society – A benefit advice project for the visually impaired, to ensure that service users and their families get the tailored advice and help they need.

EcoLearn CIC – The Sow, Study, Sustain Mablethorpe (and surrounding areas) Community Growing Project builds on existing collaboration with community groups and organisations to deliver a new growing initiative.

The Boatshed Charity – Contributing towards the Mablethorpe Carnival week in September 2024. An event that has operated for more than 30 years, supporting local businesses.

Furnichurch – Funding will enable the charity to provide meals, hygiene packs and baby food to people, with the aim of offering support to those in need.

Community Learning in Partnership (CLIP) CIC – The ‘Campa Classroom’ project, travelling out into the community and creating spaces for learning, advice and support that is accessible, safe and inclusive.

Citizens Advice Lincoln and Lindsey – To provide free, independent, impartial and confidential advice and information services five days a week.

Children’s Links – Towards the ‘Woman to Woman’ project aiming to provide safe spaces for women to meet, form friendships, develop confidence and learn new skills.

Lincoln City Foundation – Enabling the ‘Happier Healthier Inspired’ project, to use the power of sport and physical activity to inspire and help communities in the area to improve their health and wellbeing.

Bishop Grosseteste University – Towards a Summer Schools project provided by the university for the benefit of young people, to encourage and raise aspirations, inspire talent and change lives.

Applying for the funding

The Community Partnership is keen to hear from groups with projects that could be eligible for Community Investment Funding in support of people and the environment within the electoral wards of Withern and Theddlethorpe, and Mablethorpe.

Communities are benefitting from this Community Investment Funding each year, which will increase to up to £2.5million a year if more detailed site investigations are conducted while engaging in the GDF siting process.

The community which is eventually selected to host a GDF will also benefit from Significant Additional Investment potentially worth many millions of pounds. This investment would be shaped by a local community vision and could include improved local education to support and increase jobs and skills capacity, improved transport networks or improved environmental or recreational facilities.

Find out more about the funding and how to apply on our page Community Investment Funding