Theddlethorpe GDF Community Partnership

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Meet and greet ahead of meeting in public

September 12, 2024

There will be an opportunity to chat to members of the Community Partnership and the engagement team before the meeting on 19 September.

You are welcome to attend this meet and greet ahead of the meeting being held in public.

Please come to the Dunes Complex in Mablethorpe, 1 pm – 1.50 pm on Thursday 19 September.

We look forward to seeing you.

Guidance on attending the meeting

The meeting of the Theddlethorpe GDF Community Partnership on 19 September is being held in public. The meeting will start promptly at 2 pm.

As part of its programme of learning and information sharing, the Partnership will consider presentations from the Environment Agency and the Office for Nuclear Regulation, who are the nuclear regulators. There will also be presentations from the developer Nuclear Waste Services (NWS) on the GDF programme of works, GDF safety and property value protection.

Members of the Community Partnership may ask questions in the meeting; this is what the Partnership is there to do.

The community is invited to attend to listen to the meeting proceedings. While it will not be possible for the public to ask questions during the meeting, questions may be submitted in advance and at the venue before the meeting. The aim is to try and answer at least some of these at the end of the meeting.

Before attending please read the meeting etiquette.

The agenda will be provided here on the website prior to the meeting.

Details of the CP meeting available here: Community Partnership Meeting 19