Theddlethorpe GDF Community Partnership

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NWS welcomes formation of South Holderness GDF Working Group – *Important update, this Working Group has closed.

January 26, 2024

News from Nuclear Waste Services:

Nuclear Waste Services (NWS) yesterday announced the formation of a new Geological Disposal Facility (GDF) Working Group in South Holderness, East Riding of Yorkshire, to begin engagement about whether the area might be suitable for a GDF.

The Working Group’s role is to open up engagement with the community, begin the work to understand the local area and identify an initial search area for further consideration. The Working Group will also identify initial members for a GDF Community Partnership, which would take over from the Working Group and be a more enduring vehicle for community engagement and involvement in the siting process, including developing a community vision and distributing community investment funding.

NWS will be a member of the South Holderness GDF Working Group, along with the independent Chair, David Richards, an independent facilitator, Invest East Yorkshire (the Interested Party), East Riding of Yorkshire Council and members of the community.

Read the full story  NWS welcomes formation of South Holderness GDF Working Group – GOV.UK (