EcoLearn CIC were awarded £10,000 towards their Sow, Study, Sustain project.
The Sow, Study, Sustain Mablethorpe (and surrounding areas) Community Growing Project builds on existing collaboration with community groups and organisations to deliver a new growing initiative. It will involve local residents, community organisations, and key stakeholders in shaping a vision for “Cultivating a Sustainable Future.” EcoLearn are in contact with a local housing association: Platform Housing and up to 50% of beneficiaries will be composed of their residents.
The initial phase will focus on empowering residents to grow their own food at home, fostering a sense of community ownership before the construction of Mablethorpe based Microfarm begins. This new concept will be based on EcoLearn’s circular economy regenerative agriculture model currently under development at LRAC in Kenwick Park, Louth. Growing kits will be personally delivered to local residents within the target area and they will be given detailed instructions and support so that they can grow foodplants at home and become more resilient at this difficult time.
EcoLearn is already known to most of the support organisations within the area, which includes the social prescribing network. This means the most needy people within the area will be reached.
EcoLearn will also keep in touch with its network of Super Growers through WhatsApp and Social Media and telephone calls, and will gain feedback and develop a photographic story of change, with individual case studies to demonstrate the success of the project.