Nuclear Waste Services (NWS) is providing a Property Value Protection (PVP) scheme designed to support those people whose home has been affected by the siting process for a Geological Disposal Facility (GDF).
The initiative is available to anyone who can demonstrate a compelling need to sell their property but who have been unable to do so, other than at a substantially reduced price, due to the search for a suitable site and a willing community to host a GDF.
Online information
More details about the scheme can be found online at:
On this site you will find information and an application form. The information provided explains who is eligible for the scheme, and the criteria that must be met, and the application process.
Applying to the scheme
The application form can be downloaded and printed. It can be completed either online or as a paper copy.
You will need to provide the supporting evidence that is listed in the application form. This needs to be submitted with your application.
Please contact the PVP team and discuss your application with a PVP case officer. They will be able to provide guidance on the type of evidence that you should collect and submit as part of your application.
The PVP Team will contact the recognised estate agents who are marketing your property and confirm any evidence that you have provided that relates to their work. Your application will be passed to the PVP Panel for their consideration.
Contact the PVP team
If you have any questions about the property scheme, call the NWS Helpdesk on 0300 369 0000
or you can email